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Our Coaches. 

Our coaches dont just talk the talk, They walk the walk with over a decades experience competing in a multitude of different sports and endurance races, we have made all the mistakes so you dont have to!


We offer a highly personalised coaching approach for athletes at all levels, We are determined to help our athletes reach their athletic goals through a balanced and enjoyable training program, while also achieving the highest level of performance in every aspect of life.

Our goal is to have your training compliment your lifestyle not become your life. 

Meet Your Coach

Check out our full range of coaching options 

Hear from our Athletes. 


I have been training under Matt since July 2023. Not only has he guided me with my running, he has also been a massive support throughout my programming. I never ever thought I would have competed in my first half marathon, 8 months post baby, but Matt programming and encouragement got me there and I completed it with a 16min PB. Matt has been a major influence on my training and I am now training up to compete in my first full marathon under his coaching program. I highly recommended Matt and the Performance project if you are wanting to train up for half or full marathon, triathlon or even just want to improving your running or endurance.

Zoe Mawkes, Endurance Runner & New Mum

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